Don’t talk to Strangers – The Oakland County Child Murders is a limited run podcast focused on nine child murders that took place in and around south Oakland Co...
In the conclusion of the mini season of Don't Talk to Strangers we cover the delayed arrest of the perpetrators, their trials and the distressing information learned by Jennifer's mother during court proceedings. #Murder #Michigan See for privacy information.
Episode 1
The charming community of Milford Michigan has seen more than its fair share of tragedy and violence. This mini-season of Don't Talk to Strangers explores a double homicide from the summer of 1995. #Murder #Michigan See for privacy information.
A somber yet optimistic conclusion to season one. -------------------------------------------- Credits: Nina Innsted, writer/host Lisa Strawn, editor/producer See for privacy information.
Where is my perp walk?
Nina and fellow researcher Andy Berthiaume discuss the patterns and problems in the Oakland County child murders based on information found in this document. (Note: this is a 250 page PDF. Specific page numbers are mentioned in the episode) Document Link Url: -------------------------------------------- Credits: Nina Innsted, writer/host Lisa Strawn, editor/producer See for privacy information.
No One to Guide Him
September 1, 1978, 23 year old James Lossing of Mt Clemens commits an unspeakable crime against a child. Macomb County officials were asking - Could Lossing be the long sought after Oakland County Child Killer? -------------------------------------------- Credits: Nina Innsted, writer/host Lisa Strawn, editor/producer See for privacy information.
Don’t talk to Strangers – The Oakland County Child Murders is a limited run podcast focused on nine child murders that took place in and around south Oakland County between January 1, 1976 and March 16, 1977. Four of these murders appear to be the work of an as yet unidentified serial killer known as the Oakland County Child Killer.