Join siblings Lydia and Elijah on a fantastical, surreal journey through a mysterious dreamworld as they search for their missing father. A unique audio adventu...
Live from Mount Olympus, the award-winning mythical podcast, is back with season three! Check out the first episode right here on the Milky Way Underground feed. If you like it, go subscribe to Live from Mount Olympus on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app!
BONUS: Six Minutes: Out of Time
Three years ago, Brynleigh Pasternack helped the Anders family uncover the truth about Holiday's past. Now she’ll need them to help her find the truth about hers. Six Minutes: Out of Time is the long-awaited sequel to the most downloaded family audio adventure in history. When Cyrus is found unconscious near the mysterious Elixir Academy in Florida, Brynleigh learns the school may have a shocking connection to her missing mother.
New episodes of Six Minutes: Out of Time premiere early and ad free on Wondery plus in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery App, and widely, wherever you get your podcasts. Search for Six Minutes and start listening today.
Chapter 15: Changes
Lydia and Elijah find their only true path forward.
Asher Talty as Elijah
Casey Watkins as Lydia
Paige Gilbert as Mom
Robert Ashley as Dad
Courtney Chu as Gabby
Jeffrey Cranor as Mr. Rau
Radha Delamarter as Nanny
Vincent Cacchione as Gabby’s Dad
Regina Fernandez as the Narrator
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Chapter 14: Home Again
They’ve finally made it home… haven’t they?
Asher Talty as Elijah
Casey Watkins as Lydia
Paige Gilbert as Mom
Robert Ashley as Dad
Dave Fredericks as Commuter #1
Lois Shih as Commuter #2
Grayson Heyl as the Social Worker
Regina Fernandez as the Narrator
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Chapter 13: End of the Line
Lydia and Elijah reach the final stop.
Asher Talty as Elijah
Casey Watkins as Lydia
Aki Imai as the Voice on Tape One
Magali Charron as the Voice on Tape Two
Julian Koster as the Voice on Tape Three
Regina Fernandez as the Narrator
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Brought to you by TRAX from PRX.
Join siblings Lydia and Elijah on a fantastical, surreal journey through a mysterious dreamworld as they search for their missing father. A unique audio adventure about the difficulties and the joys of growing up and becoming yourself, fit for the whole family. Brought to you by TRAX from PRX.