LearnOutLoud.com presents the U.S. Presidents Podcast. Each episode will provide a brief biographical portrait of each president, explore the eras in which they...
Here historian Doris Kearns Goodwin gives an overview of her goals with her award winning biography of Abraham Lincoln, Team of Rivals.
The American Presidency - Theodore Roosevelt
In this first lecture in a series touching on how the U.S. Presidency changed during the 20th century, noted historian Robert Dalek begins with his take on Theodore Roosevelt.
John F. Kennedy
Today we present Wikipedia's entry for President John F. Kennedy. For more audio tailored to the lifelong learner, please visit www.learnoutloud.com
Ronald Reagan - Part 2
Today we present part 2 of a short biography of Ronald Reagan. For more audio tailored to the lifelong learner, please visit www.learnoutloud.com
Ronald Reagan - Part 1
Today we present part 1 of a short biography of Ronald Reagan. For more audio tailored to the lifelong learner, please visit www.learnoutloud.com
LearnOutLoud.com presents the U.S. Presidents Podcast. Each episode will provide a brief biographical portrait of each president, explore the eras in which they led the country, and access the historical significance they hold for us today. This is a podcast for those that wish to gain a complete knowledge of the commander in chief.
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