I am a boomer gamer with a sense of humor. In this podcast series I am taking you on a journey through Fallout 4. Our protagonist, Evelyn Draper, wakes up in a ...
Evelyn is all over the map today. She and Heather are off to deal with Jack Cabot's problems up north. Then it is time to head back south and look for Good Neighbor, where they hope to unlock the secrets in Kellogg's brain.
Ep. 10 - Death Comes in Threes
While Doggo takes a well needed break at the drive-in, Evelyn, Heather and Dolly have to deal with super mutants and raiders as they fight their way through the city blocks of Boston. They have much difficulty getting past the suicidal super mutants at the communications station.
Ep. 9 - Is it Worth Saving Nick Valentine?
Busy busy busy! With everything else on her plate, Evelyn might almost forget that the reason she went on this epic journey through the wastelands was to find out what happened to her boy. The next step for her is to first find out what happened to Nick Valentine, Private Eye! Rescuing Nick is paramount.
Remember "Hello Lady!" Dolly? Doggo gets a well-earned break while Dolly joins us in our journey.
Ep. 8 - Landlocked With the Robot Navy
Evelyn Draper continues to meet all sorts of interesting characters in Boston. In this action-packed episode she meets the Robot Navy, landlocked on the U.S.S. Constitution, which rests on top of a building. She's already a General in the Minutemen and part of the BoS. Will she add also become part of the navy?
Ep. 7 - A Bad Day at the Office
Evelyn, Doggo and Heather are in full exploration and destruction mode. They have been pulled in several directions with requests from the Brotherhood of Steel, the Minutemen and now having to find Nick Valentine, Private Eye. In addition, bar keeps and others in Diamond City keep weighing them down with their own selfish needs. Will Evelyn find time to look for baby Shaun?
I am a boomer gamer with a sense of humor. In this podcast series I am taking you on a journey through Fallout 4. Our protagonist, Evelyn Draper, wakes up in a pod not knowing that she has been put on ice for 200 years. What she does know is that someone killed her husband and took her baby.
I recorded much of this on YouTube in 2022 and have started to continue on with the series. The first 17 episodes are from 2022 and subsequent episodes are current.
While I try to stay true to the RPG aspects of the game, I'm having fun. And you will too.