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疲惫娇娃 CyberPink

Podcast 疲惫娇娃 CyberPink
疲惫娇娃是一档从荧幕聊到宇宙深处的泛文化播客,用女性的声波延展对世界的参与和想象。 在一个内陷的时代,疲惫娇娃站在中国和美国的交汇点上,用女性的元视角去观察、抵抗、塑造政治和社会对流行文化的影响。我们讨论流动的时代精神、艺术、自由、未来、友谊以及一切使我们获得力量的事物。

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  • 059|冬季氛围检查:听播客暂停立刻去喝水 Winter Vibe Check: Everybody Hydrate Now
    【聊了什么 The What】 重大发现:一月是星期一。大家多喝水。 Main takeaways: January is Monday. Stay hydrated. 【听众专属福利】 一起订阅《三联生活周刊》数字刊会员年卡吧! 🎉 疲惫娇娃专属渠道粉丝下单享受六折优惠🎉 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun, and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022
  • 058 | 黑箱日记:伊藤诗织的抗争日志 Shiori Ito’s Black Box Diaries
    【聊了什么 The What】 2024年初,日本记者伊藤诗织发布的纪录片《黑箱日记》以其私密的镜头语言和坦诚的叙事方式,记录了她从2015年遭遇性侵,到2017年实名举报,再到近年来推动日本性暴力相关法律变革的漫长历程。这部纪录片不仅是一份个人的创伤记录,更是对日本社会性别议题的深度剖析:警方的敷衍了事,媒体的冷漠反应,路人对受害者的污名化,和伊藤诗织站出来为自己和更多沉默者发声的巨大勇气。 这期节目中,小蓝与嘉宾探讨了这部纪录片所呈现的复杂现实:一个女性记者如何在追求新闻专业主义的同时,不得不把自己的创伤经历变成公共讨论的一部分;为什么在日本这样的民主社会,年轻女性却如此缺席性别议题的公共讨论;以及在整个东亚地区,女权运动如何在各自的政治文化背景下寻找突破。从警察机构到司法体系,从传统媒体到新媒体平台,从个人抗争到集体行动——,我们如何在时代的重重局限下突出重围,追求系统性变革的可能? In early 2024, Japanese journalist Shiori Ito released her documentary "Black Box Diaries," which uses intimate cinematography and candid storytelling to chronicle her long journey: from experiencing sexual assault in 2015, to publicly reporting it in 2017, and her subsequent efforts to reform Japan's sexual violence laws in the following years. The documentary is not just a personal record, but also a deep analysis of gender issues in Japanese society - showing the police's perfunctory handling of her case, the media's indifferent response, public stigmatization of victims, and Ito's immense courage in speaking up for herself and other silent survivors. The episode features discussions between Xiaolan and guests about the complex realities presented in the documentary: how a female journalist must balance professional journalism while being forced to turn her traumatic experience into part of public discourse; why young women are so notably absent from public discussions of gender issues in a democratic society like Japan; and how feminist movements across East Asia navigate breakthroughs within their respective political and cultural contexts. From law enforcement to the judicial system, from traditional media to new media platforms, from individual resistance to collective action - how can we break through the limitations of our time to pursue systemic change? 【参与人员 The Who】 小蓝:疲惫娇娃主播、媒体工作者 弦子:女性主义者、发声者、写作者 兆音:调查记者、BBC纪录片“追查「痴汉」——谁在售卖日本性侵偷拍影片”制作人 林珊:珊越拾穗的主播、科尔比学院访问助理教授 Xiaolan: Host of CyberPink, media professional Xianzi: Feminist activist, writer Zhaoyin: Investigative journalist, producer of the BBC documentary "Catching a Pervert: Sexual Assault for Sale" Lin Shan: Host of "Shan Yue Shi Sui," visiting Assistant Professor at Colby College 【时间轴 The When】 00:00:58 《黑箱日记》的故事背景 13:47 伊藤的记者与性侵幸存者双重身份 20:57 纪录片中最私密的时刻:用镜头记录自己的创伤 41:05 日本社会的性别困境:为什么支持伊藤的多是年长女性?**更正:日本学运发生在60年代末 * 52:12 记者作为性暴力受害者 01:11:38 日本的政治冷感与女权运动 01:21:39 从个案到制度:日本性暴力相关法律的变迁与局限 01:30:44 东亚女性的共同命运:如何在父权制度下寻找发声与改变的可能 00:00:58 The story behind "Black Box Diaries" 13:47 Meeting Ito: the journalist and the survivor 20:57 The intimacy of documenting your own trauma 41:05 Japan’s gender problem: Why are Ito's supporters mostly older women?* *Correction: the Japanese university student protests happened in the late 1960s * 52:12 Journalists as survivors 01:11:38 Political apathy and the unique path of feminist movements in Japan 01:21:39 Driving systemic change: The evolution of Japan's sexual violence laws 01:30:44 Finding our voice under east asian patriarchy 【拓展链接 The Links】 寫在日本《刑法》性犯罪修正案與《同志法案》通過之後 https://changyuchieh.com/2023/06/16/gay-law/ BBC紀錄片:追查「癡漢」——誰在售賣中國日本性侵偷拍影片- BBC News 中文 抓住那个“痴汉”文章 BBC纪录片《猎食者:日本流行音乐的秘密丑闻》 法庭外的12小時,弦子訴朱軍案開庭首日 文章 神圣无花果之种 电影 Girls Will Be Girls 电影 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun, and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022
  • 057 | 阿诺拉:不能止步于“救风尘” Anora: Not Just A “Pretty Woman” Story
    【聊了什么The What】 Sean Baker导演的《Anora》讲述了一个布鲁克林性工作者阿诺拉将信将疑地踏上现代版灰姑娘的南瓜马车,却没想到渡过了人生最疲惫的24小时加班的故事。2024年的我们和Anora一样,都心知肚明在当代的美国,老套“救风尘”的故事已经是一个骗局。在我们看来,这是一个细腻而富有共鸣的故事。Baker和演员一起塑造了一个狡黠的、天真的、完全能为自己做主的年轻女孩,故事中的细节:无论是南布鲁克林的景观、Anora东欧移民的背景、还是电影中年轻人真诚的愚蠢,让这个故事能够打动哪怕是我们中最愤世嫉俗的人。结局的那一刻,Anora和我们都明白,那辆充满寓言意味的南瓜马车并非跨越阶级的虫洞,一切落幕之后,Anora获得了可能比钻石戒指更珍贵的东西 — 看清了自己是谁以及她能做到什么。终章之处,南瓜马车驶过,留下的不是阶级虫洞的幻影,是比钻戒更为珍贵的馈赠——Anora在这场冒险中看到了真实的自己,大起大落之后她并没有失去为自己挣出未来的无限可能。 Sean Baker's latest film "Anora" follows a Brooklyn sex worker who steps into a modern-day Cinderella story, only to find herself enduring the most exhausting few days of her life. In 2024, both we and Anora know full well that the classic "Pretty Woman" narrative is a sexist and tiresome trope. But Baker manages to tell a nuanced, relatable story through Anora. The specificity of it — Southern Brooklyn's landscapes, her immigrant background, and the genuine innocence and naivety of youth — allows this story to warm the heart of even the most cynical among us. In the end, the proverbial pumpkin carriage isn't an invitation to cross class lines, but a journey of self-realization. 本期节目由【大人糖】赞助播出。新的一年即将来临,假期旅游成本高,那不如先尝试一下大人糖家的新品拂悦? This episode is sponsored by the female sexual wellness brand OSUGA. Tune in to hear our thoughts on their newest sex toy "Osurging." 🎉【听众专属福利】 对大人糖新品感兴趣的朋友们,可通过以下2种方式获得专属优惠,拂悦原价359元,领券后到手价299元,备注【疲惫娇娃】还可额外赠送99元大礼包,同时之前推荐的小海豹和兔子月这次也可享专属优惠价哦,具体可以点击链接查看详情哦✌ 点击这里跳转或复制这整段口令【97¥TEDQ3zak3zU¥】到淘宝领专属优惠券,下单直接满减 淘宝搜索【大人糖旗舰店】,私信客服,报暗号【疲惫娇娃】领专属券下单 🌟重要提示! 1、下单时记得一定要备注【疲惫娇娃】才会随单一起送出礼包哦! 2、部分苹果手机是最新系统的听友可能会遇到口令无法跳转的情况,选择第2种方式购买也可以 另外!考虑到我们有部分海外听众,可通过点击➡ Osuga,下单输入优惠码【疲惫娇娃】可立减15%,但到手价格&优惠政策与国内不同享哦,有需要的朋友们可以自由选择 【时间轴 The When】 00:08:41 导演Sean Baker的独特视角:边缘人群的故事 00:13:41 安妮 vs. 阿诺拉: 脱衣舞娘与东欧移民的两个面向 00:32:27 性工作在不同文化语境下的讨论差异 00:42:21 天真与成长:安妮对辛德瑞拉式爱情的幻想与觉醒 00:48:54 Vanya的童真与残忍:一个未长大的富二代形象 00:56:52 Igor的复杂性:暴力与温情并存的打手 01:07:37 结尾镜头的突破和深意 00:08:41 Sean Baker's Unique Perspective: Stories from Society's Margins 00:13:41 Ani vs. Anora: Dual Perspectives of a Stripper and Eastern European Immigrant 00:32:27 Sex Work: Cultural Context Differences 00:42:21 Innocence and Growth: Ani's Cinderella Fantasy and Awakening 00:48:54 Vanya's Childlike Cruelty: Portrait of an Immature Trust Fund Kid 00:56:52 Igor's Complexity: The Enforcer's Balance of Violence and Tenderness 01:07:37 The Final Shot's Deeper Meaning 【拓展链接 The Links】 [红莺歌 Red Canary Song] (https://www.redcanarysong.net/) Mikey Madison Declined an Intimacy Coordinator on ‘Anora,’ but Professionals Say There Should Always Be One: Actors and Directors ‘Can’t Speak for How Every Extra Felt’ 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022
  • 056 | 黑白厨师:一场关于阶级与美食的韩式寓言 Culinary Class Wars as a Parable of Food and Status
    【聊了什么The What】 Netflix的这韩国综艺《黑白大厨:料理阶级大战》以其独特的"阶级对决"设定,将韩国美食界的精英与草根厨师置于同一个舞台,从产业内不同厨师的故事讲起,给了我们一张韩国餐饮业在2024年当下的切片。 在这期播客中,疲惫娇娃的主播和嘉宾周成荫老师展开了一场关于美食、文化和身份认同的深度对谈。如何能把一档美食综艺拍成惊心动魄的《鱿鱼游戏》(虽然没有看到鱿鱼料理)?为什么韩国人眼里的正宗中餐是我们觉得有点过时的老牌江浙菜?米其林体系下的美食标准真的有普适性吗? “Culinary Class Wars,” Netflix’s latest hit cooking show, masterfully stages a compelling clash between 80 “black spoons” chefs against 20 industry-acknowledged “white spoons”, and offers a fascinating snapshot of Korea’s latest culinary landscape. In this episode, our hosts and our guest Prof. Eileen Chow dived into a conversation about competitive reality TV, food, culture, and identity. How does a cooking show manage to channel a level of intensity that rivals “Squid Games” but sadly without a single squid dish in sight? Why does the Korean perception of authentic Chinese cuisine what we consider old-school glazy Jiangzhe classics? Can the Michelin standards, rooted deeply in the European culinary tradition, truly serve as a universal measure of culinary excellence? Tune in to find out. 【时间轴 The When】 03:39 "黑汤匙"与"白汤匙"之争:看似阶级对立,实则并非泾渭分明 29:56 厨房里的性别困境:为什么女性大厨总是被特殊对待 38:14 韩综如何平衡真实性与戏剧效果 52:53 Edward Lee的身份认同困惑与突破 01:02:53 为什么节目里的中餐都是江浙菜系主导 01:08:44 全球化背景下的本土美食认同 03:39 Gamifying the class tension in the culinary world 29:56 The female chef’s dilemma 38:14 Making cooking feel like high drama 52:53 Edward Lee: A Korean-American chef searching for identity 01:02:53 Why Jiangzhe food shaped the perception of Chinese food in korea 01:08:44 Local flavors as anchor of identity 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022
  • 055|秋季氛围检查之“11月约等于星期六晚上” Fall vibe check: November is a Saturday night
    【聊了什么The What】 今年是不是加了速? 在时间的加速阴谋下,四个女的照例录制了一期秋季氛围检查。然而,等到节目剪出来要写文案的时候,已经是十一月初(?怒录一期冬季氛围检查然后回家过年)。 每年的十月份、十一月份、和挤满节日的十二月,都像是一个星期中消耗速度最快的周末。我们期待它们,但是它们也在宣告着时间在以不可思议的速度流逝的事实。下一年的音乐会排期已经出来了,时尚圈也开始宣告2025春季和夏季的trends——这些穿插在社交媒体和我们邮箱中的图片、讯息、数字、速朽的标题和色彩,都让人产生一种时间错位感。 每期的氛围检查我们都基本上100%脱稿,想哪说哪,想聊什么就聊什么。这期也是一样的闲聊风格。我们聊了身处在美国社会对于大选的“逃避”,最近读了什么书,我们对于年龄和身体感知的感悟。还有一些乱七八糟想哪说哪的话题。 各位娃们11月快乐! Has time been accelerating this year??? Under the conspiracy of time's rapid passage, four of us gathered as usual to record our fall vibes check. By the time we finished editing and about to drop this episode, well, it was already early November… October, November, and holiday-packed December always feel like the fastest-passing weekend of a week. We look forward to them, yet they also declare the undeniable fact that time flows at an unforgiving speed. Next year's concert schedules are already out, the fashion world has begun announcing trends for spring and summer—these images, messages, numbers, ephemeral headlines, and colors interweaved throughout our social media and emails create a sense of temporal displacement: when is this? As with all our vibe checks, we kept this episode 100% unscripted, speaking freely of our stream of consciousness. We have been "avoidant" of this election (as we all live in the US), we discussed some books we've read, and as usual, this episode is packed with various random stuff uttered from our mouths. Happy November, everyone! 【时间轴 The When】 03:05 十月约等于星期五,十一月约等于星期六 08:00 四个女的在关注大选吗?对于这场选举的心态发生了哪些变化? 15:10 四个女的最近在看什么剧 39:55 (一个关于年龄的感慨)“身体表达”逐渐变成了不一样的概念,和身体的关系在逐渐变化 52:35 (又一个关于年龄的感慨)我到底应不应该更成熟?我应该如何对待所谓的晚辈? 59:50 (还是一个关于年龄的感慨)“成功”是个模糊且主观的概念 01:03:50 从美剧聊到投行,以及我们如何看书、听书 03:05 October feels like a Friday, November feels like a Saturday 08:00 Are four of us following this election? (NO) How have our attitudes towards this election evolved? 15:10 What shows are we watching lately? 39:55 (Reflections on age) "Physical expression" takes on new meaning as our relationship with our bodies evolves 52:35 (More thoughts on aging) Should I be more mature? How should I interact with younger generations? 59:50 (Yet another age-related musing) "Success" is an ambiguous and subjective concept 01:03:50 From TV shows to investment banking; how we read books and listen to books 【拓展链接 The Links】 Outliers: The Story of Success) Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI Industry) Father Ted Trust) 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022

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疲惫娇娃是一档从荧幕聊到宇宙深处的泛文化播客,用女性的声波延展对世界的参与和想象。 在一个内陷的时代,疲惫娇娃站在中国和美国的交汇点上,用女性的元视角去观察、抵抗、塑造政治和社会对流行文化的影响。我们讨论流动的时代精神、艺术、自由、未来、友谊以及一切使我们获得力量的事物。
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