D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00 Show Start
01:21 D&D & RPG News: Mork Borg Bundle of Holding
04:11 D&D & RPG News: Potbellied Kobold Bundle of Holding
05:03 D&D & RPG News: Dungeon Crawl Classics Humble Bundle
07:49 Kickstarter Spotlight: Secrets of Magic for Fateforge
10:29 D&D & RPG News: D&D 2025 Starter Set Info
15:44 Commentary: What WOTC Products Matter for the RPG Hobby?
17:42 Commentary: Sci Show on Science of Scheduling a D&D Game
23:14 D&D & RPG News: Bob World Builder on RPG Kickstarters
28:10 Commentary: RPGs I Want To Play
37:17 DM Tip: The Retreat Action
46:14 Patreon Question: How Does Fog Cloud Work with Advantage?
50:12 Patreon Question: The Eight Steps with Big Dungeons
52:45 Patreon Question: Players Forgetting Character Abilities
54:40 Patreon Question: Dealing with Players Whose Characters Run Ahead
59:35 Patreon Question: DM Screen on Small Table
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Mork Borg Bundle of Holding
Potbellied Kobold Bundle of Holding
DCC Megabundle Humble Bundle
Fateforge Secrets of Magic Kickstarter
D&D Starter Set Video Official
D&D Starter Set Demo at New York Toy Faire
EN World Thread
Sci Show on Scheduling RPG Games
Bob World Builder on Crowdfunding Historical Trends
The Retreat Action
Shrine of Isis – Dragon Empire Prep Session 15
Mike prepares the next session of his Tales of the Valiant Dragon Empire campaign.
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Midgard Worldbook
Tales of the Valiant
Obsidian for TTRPGs
Challenge Rating Deep Dive – Lazy RPG Talk Show
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00 Show Start
01:11 Sly Flourish News: City of Arches in Markdown and EPUB
17:55 D&D & RPG News: Blog of Holding Monster Manual 2024 Stats in the Creative Commons
22:34 DM Tip: Challenge Rating Deep Dive
54:19 Patreon Question: Fantastic Locations in Contemporary Worlds
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Buy Sly Flourish Books:
City of Arches
Blog of Holding 2025 Monster Manual on a Business Card
What Does Challenge Rating Mean in D&D 5e?
The Lazy Encounter Benchmark
The Red Portal Part 2 – Dragon Empire Prep Session 13
Mike prepares the next session of his Tales of the Valiant Dragon Empire campaign.
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Buy Sly Flourish Books
Midgard Worldbook
Tales of the Valiant
Obsidian for TTRPGs
The End of One D&D – Lazy RPG Talk Show
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00 Show Start
01:20 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press Black Flag SRD in Markdown
04:20 Kickstarter Spotlight: Creating and Adapting Monsters for Shadowdark
06:11 D&D & RPG News: Mike Mearls on Dungeon Craft
08:03 Commentary: How Bonus Actions Changed
14:31 Commentary: GM-Focused Products as Advanced Software for Advanced Users
21:06 Commentary: Experiences with the D&D 2025 Monster Manual Adult Black Dragon
29:31 DM Tip: Legendary Resistance Alternatives
39:51 Commentary: The End of One D&D
49:02 Patreon Question: Running Frostmaiden with Shadowdark
51:58 Patreon Question: Additional Roles for Exploration
53:38 Patreon Question: Did I Negate Character Abilities and Take Away Player Agency?
56:08 Patreon Question: Should I Kill Shadowdark Characters with Big Backstory?
58:38 Patreon Question: Is Your YouTube Channel Dying?
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Buy Sly Flourish Books:
Kobold Press Black Flag SRD in Markdown
Creating and Adapting Monsters for Shadowdark Kickstarter
Mearls on Dungeoncraft
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