POORHAMMER MERCH! https://orchideight.com/collections/poorhammer PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/SolelySingleton TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/poorhammer This week on Poorhammer, Brad, Eric try to find every faction’s plane model.Which units are capable to fly, have wings, a pilot, engine and fuselage and are not helicopters? Tune in to find out. RELATED TO THIS EPISODE: Grading Every Faction Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-p4AUDNDTPZPyMnEf1NHvRwb6DPOnj1M TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 01:03 Further Ado 02:38 Everybody dating their notes 2024 instead of 2025 out of habit 04:24 Drukhari 05:50 Space Marines 11:05 Adeptus Custodes 13:48 Adepta Sororitas 15:27 Adeptus Mechanicus 16:51 Astra Militarum 18:55 Grey Knights 21:01 Imperial Agents 23:01 Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights 24:03 Chaos Space Marines 25:48 Berilio keeps a tangent because he is too tired to cut it and save for bonus content 27:01 Chaos Daemons 29:56 Thousand Sunny 32:23 Death Guard 34:42 World Eaters 36:27 Emperor's Children 36:40 Aeldari 38:44 Necrons 40:05 Orks 41:33 Leagues of Votann 42:01 T'au Empire 44:17 Genestealer Cults 44:35 Tyranids 45:53 Final Considerations 47:50 Outro SHOW LINKS: YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@thepoorhammerpodcast Website: https://www.solelysingleton.com/feed/poorhammer Our Producers for November: A SPEEDY FREEK (Got mah' Dragsta back) Austin bluhm Benderx x Blizted_Brain Brandon Janky BrokenReaper45 Corvus DemolitionMann DrLace GilgameshVS. Jan Geisse Jason McMaster Kiwifruitbird Nathan Seward Nj harlan Noel North Pizza00100 Rock Sanguinius Deserved To Die Sebastian Richardson The Gym Crab Scott G The Mailman TN0 TrickyIsZaone Wargame Simulator Our Biggest Supporters: 3D Frank 4K_Fart A Pulsating Ball of Pure Energy AbsoluteChad Addoxin Adrian Franke Alex Fuja amdragon Amists Andreas Another hairy Sasquatch Ballad Beff Jezos bigsdog 03 Blubbles 180 Bradley Viers Cameron R Carnuvex Christopher Gargagliano Chroma Veil Chuck Mordock Cody Wetherby Craig Judge Cube1359 Daniel Field5150 DasGoopy Delmirev Devin Voiles Dez Revis Dominick Colacicco Edward Lawrence Enchantedgalaxycat Eric Founder Ezelvor Gathering Clouds Geete Gyarados HappyBrontosaurus Hauntor InfiniteFes isaac hall It's a beautiful day J3C GAM1NG Jacob Gibson Jarrett DiPerna Jolyne kalex Kaydien moore Kayleigh Ard Kentorb Knight Porphyrion is Awsome don't put me in Forgeworld Jail L'Etranger (Lukus) Le BloupBloup Low Fat Mogurt LSJay Madison Ramanama Matthew Tsushima Michael Melcher Mitchell Mixolydius mmmm burnt toast MoistToast Monkey218 morfiel55 Natalie Fortune Nemesis The Noodleblade Novi Pierce is currently thinking of a new annoyingly long name Protius7331 qbngeek Qelan Retr0Brave RossWarlock saft Sarah Hanson Shaxxs pet otter Siegbro Struggle_l3us The Tired EMR Thecrusader13 TheFishboi Thrango Tom McGrath Vaultguardian Victoria Angel WarhammerCaleb Weebay Werner 'Illindi' Wallman What is Brad’s Fursona Woodstock Ysomad2 Our Supporters: 100 jonny Ace Adam Adam Gutierrez admiral stiffplank Ai Nvr Aiden Parrot Aiganach Ajrifbesik Alan Alan Townshend-Carter Albie maree Alex Mark Alex Van De Wiele Alexander Alexander McPherson Alexis Barraza Alice Queen of Hearts Alpha Scorpii Always go full OwO AnActualT0ffie Andres Cedillo Andy Yang Ann Annweiler AnotherNixon anpespi Anthony MacQuiddy Ap0ph1s Aristedes Hristopoulos Asuka Lang.String Austin Baker Austin J Bell B Lawson BadBadger Bard_Weasel Bastiaan Sanders BeckettBaladas Ben Ben Craft Benjamin Routier bigb293 Bimblewort BinnusBoppus Bisoodi BladeSwinga Blake Adds Bleachboy Bobby Jeckell boomshticky Boston Webber Bradley Harden Brandon j Jimenez Brett Booso Brian Carton Brian Ferguson Brother Captain Corskadai Bthulhu BulletSponge7 butterroll Caboose Call-me-vito Cameron Rigby Cammron Morrison Captain Gromit cecropic Cegorach Cephalopope Certified Unfunny Chad Blackford Chaosheaven234 ChaoStarDust Cheap4life Chris Compton Chris Merrell Christian Marti Christian Schrewelius Viklund Christopher Andrews Christopher Badeaux Christopher Hutchinson Christopher Polly Claude Shepherd Clueless Cody Myers CodyHawk Caster Colby Actkinson Colin Colburn Conner Zitello Connor Melville Crazyshak48 Cruxxy CSmitty101 Cupfruit Dale Christensen Damian Preciado Daniel Ashe DankBonkRipper69 DarkGalderia DaRobotGuy13 Darth Revan David bowling David Martinez David T. David Zuckerbrot deltaP1G diego dixoniii Doc4077 Donald Byers Dorkturtle Dovahkiin1180 Dr. Battle DracoNomine Drad DrCake Drowsy Drunk Tank82 DukeDukain Eamon echoes act zero Ed Yoon Eddie Kelliher Edgemassa Eko Emily Sturdy Ensayn Eric Kelly Eric Lopez Ethan Randolph eugene-sy Evan Langlois Evil Advisor Ezee Falcon Kirby Fatguy688 Fedora Appreciator Fishers Fishing Flether's frightend fish Florian A. Fooby Foover FreetimeIdiot Fryknight fukulo Gareef Garrett Johnson Garrett Seaton Gaterpiller Geoffrey Bowser George Reimers ghost Glaci Gom Abdul-Jabbar Gort Gray Army Greatwhite67 Greg Trevorrow grenade0219 Grhmbl GrumpyKitten Hannah Anthony Hayden Haws Henry Podgorski HieronymusRex HOPLYTE WILL hrspks Infernicus Isaac Isaac Queen Islingr317 Ivan Kong J Jabbar Haider Jack Clifford Jack Porter Jacob Cantor Jake Lancaster Jake Palicki James Abell James Mooers James W. Orkshop JaredIsLonely Jarrod Nelson Jarrod Williams Jasper Jaydon Jeff Jeff Wong Jesse JimElone Joey Weela John Lillo Jon Hart Jonathan Novak Jordan Strunk Joshua Eisele Joshua Galvez Joshua Rosenthal Julie Low Jurgsie Justin Krolikowski Kaalia Kaden Matuszewski Kawaii demon cat AJ Kazarik KendalMoth Kendra M kevbwell . Killy Kilgallon KingLeNose Kinniku Buster Enjoyer KitsuneCurator Kory Anderson Krashnox Kratos2.0 Krimpey Krippe Kristjan Bruno Kularis kyhariel Kyle Kyle that Custodes guy Lame One Landscape Laurie Ruberl LB Trooper LE0NHARDT Leopard Little Mike LizardHawthorne Local Thallid lordmilitant LostAus Louis Finney LunarPaladin Lusankya M K M.P.Hammy Maciej Piwowarczyk MadMax997 Mae Ember Magnus did a few things wrong Mao Mark Quigley Mason lloyd Mathieu Rodrigue Matthew Burke Matthew Gallagher Max Megas-Cadron Michael ferguson Michael Gura Michael Kratochvil Michael Pelata michael robinson Mikal Mandichak Mitch the Dungeon Master Nathan Trence Ncf Nicholas Nussbaum nicholaus perry Nick Podrebarac Nighty87 Nils475 Noblesse Oblahaj Norman Conquest Notsosmartboi Objectively_Bad1 Oddpersons OG Fili Ol' Slappy Orion T P1 Press Start Pale Werebear Parker Pastel Prince Patrick Moore Patrick Vega Paul Skonieczny Paul Wilson Phaeron Novishtar of the Nikorin Dynasty Phreak Phrenologer Pickelus Maximus Piet Hassenstein Pixo Pokemon12602 PozerCanBoost PremiumNutsack Prince of Cats Professor Rattles Promethius pyromancy QuadFatherReckless Quinn Duncan Rad Opposums Rake Rancor17 Rasmus Eriksson ratbeast83 Ratchet7989 Red_Tx RevolverGunman Ridley Riley Westfall RionnAotrom Robbin Wasmuth Robin Kiff Rohlan Roman Rouf The Dragon Dog RPGrenade Ryan Guth Ryan Schnepfe Ryan Shaw Rys Ion Sam Davis Sam K Sam Scahcker Samdroid Sandro The Great Saplingpower12 Scholastic Nomad Scope First Scrubbing SCRUNGUS Sean Campbell Seeker of Peanut butter Selcar Seph Shady Cyanide shashi SiDeath Sidertrune Slaaneshlight Slaughter Sage Sleazy P Martini Smeef Honklr snootch n SofaLordOfCouch Sol Solonite Soupy Sucks Spencer Noell Spencer O'Brien Spode Spongle Stella155 Stephen Beckman Stephen Eckstein Stephen Witham Steven bingham Steven Scearce V StompyBoi Stormy superkeaton SwonkUaeb TairaSayo Taxi That Little Skaven That one smug necron thatmoiety The Amazing Physicist The2player TheBustinJustin Thelosttexan Thenoble117 TheNuclearEagle TheOOFVideoWasPOGSoThisIsWhy THEPR0N00B Thomas J Gamble Thomas Williams Thorium Thraxxerus 14 TMD Gaming Tomás Nieves Irizarry tongole Karanu Tony Sacco ToxicRelief Trevor Kight TurquoiseTempest TyrisUnbreakable UnkindlyRook Vanny Vihrug Voegelnator Volcano1 VValmartgreeter Waymaker Whasian What_The_Fuck_Did_I_Support Whatsitsay WhiteHammer Will Miller willisbetter Wish Fox Xeno Xmas Mike XsandmanunitedX . Yanouri Aissa YouMaSePush Zach Campbell Zach Hoffman Zackary Stears Zak Force Zak0321 Zapdor Zeed Zeffy Zenith Zer0 Contact Information: You can interact with Solely Singleton by joining the hosts on discord and Twitter to give input to improve the show. Feel free to email more detailed questions and suggestions to the show’s email address. Your Hosts: Brad (DrRuler) & Eric (OnekuoSora) Brad’s Bsky: https://bsky.app/profile/drruler.bsky.social Eric’s Bsky: https://bsky.app/profile/onekuosora.bsky.social Show Email:
[email protected] Merch Website: http://www.poorhammer.com/ Edited by: Menino Berilio Show Mailing Address: PO Box 70893 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Licensed Music Used By This Program: “Night Out” by LiQWYD CC BY “Thursday & Snow (Reprise)” by Blank & Kytt CC BY “First Class” by Peyruis CC BY “Funky Souls” by Amaria CC BY