Anime Hotpot is a VUit-original vodcast about all things anime. Tune in for analyses of the season's hottest anime, as well as retrospectives of the classics. J...
Zach and Dave go over the happenings of the latest One Piece episodes and dip their toes into some newly aired anime.
Head-to-Head Heroes & Creepy-Crawly Isekai
Zach & Dave have a chat about the coming end of Oden's journey, Class 1-A's stacked odds, and genre-bending in isekai.
Anime talked about this episode:
One Piece Episode 971
My Hero Academia Episode 93
So I'm A Spider, So What?
My Hero Academia Premiere
Zach and Dave, along with special guest Jackson, discuss the new season of My Hero Academia and reflect on the series as a whole.
Anime talked about this episode:
My Hero Academia Episodes 89-92
Rapid-Fire One Piece - Part Two
Zach and Dave continue their One Piece catch-up session.
Anime talked about this episode:
One Piece Episodes 967-969
Rapid-Fire One Piece - Part One
Kicking off season two, Zach and Dave speedrun their way through One Piece, catching up on the tale of Kozuki Oden.
Anime talked about this episode:
One Piece Episodes 961-966
Anime Hotpot is a VUit-original vodcast about all things anime. Tune in for analyses of the season's hottest anime, as well as retrospectives of the classics. Join our lively hosts as they dive deep into the art of Japanese animation and its surrounding communities.
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