Some hardcore fans of the franchise discuss anything and everything about Elite: Dangerous, through development to deployment. All done with the requisite wit a...
Lave Radio Episode 522 - Powerplay is the Sex Panther of Elite Dangerous
Did you know that people are raising money for Special Effect this weekend?
Lave Radio Episode 521 - 'What About The First and Second Party?'
The crew are joined by the creator of EDCoPilot, Razzafrag, to discuss all things third party apps.
Lave Radio Episode 520 - I Don't Want Your Piss
Well, Ben's back.
Lave Radio Episode 519 - Semi For Shoulder Launched Packhounds
The crew discuss why they don’t play CQC, and what they’d add to increase the incentive to play.
Lave Radio Episode 518 - Petitions and Preparations
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Clare’s distain for exploration is as far reaching as Distant Worlds 3. They have used the QOTW as incentive for the community to convince her otherwise. The crew also express their opinions about HIP 22460.
À propos de Lave Radio: an Elite Dangerous podcast
Some hardcore fans of the franchise discuss anything and everything about Elite: Dangerous, through development to deployment. All done with the requisite wit and banter. Supplementary shows also discuss books, other computer games and host fan forums.