The longest continually running Pokemon TCG podcast, Tag Team is produced by Riley Hulbert, Andrew Mahone, and JW Kriewall, three regional champions, Pokemon fa...
The boys are back to discuss JW's emotional Toronto Regional Championship run, the newest Pocket expansion, and how the budew will completely warp the meta.
7-13. Onto Toronto
In today's episode, Riley and JW take a look back at the developing format and give their projections for what the format will look like moving forward. Will JW be able to defend last year's Regional crown? What are they boys thinking about the newest decks to come out of Surging Sparks? Find out in today's episode!
7-12. Crabs as far as the eye can see
In today's episode, JW and Andrew break down the Surging Sparks metagame and discuss their buying positions for the new Prismatic Evolutions set.
7-11. The Glowup
The boys reconvene to give a proper send-off to the Stellar Crown format. They also discuss the upcoming Surging Sparks metagame and their leading decks heading into the new format.
7-11. Changes Are Coming
In today's episode, the boys sit down to discuss the new Pokemon TCG tournament structure. They also tackle some hard truths about Pokemon Pocket. You don't want to miss out.
The longest continually running Pokemon TCG podcast, Tag Team is produced by Riley Hulbert, Andrew Mahone, and JW Kriewall, three regional champions, Pokemon fanatics, and good (good) friends. Every week Riley, Andrew, and JW break down the current state of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and highlight the week's news with banter and humor.