Case Reopened is a Detective Conan rewatch podcast that goes through every episode, movie, and OVA of the successful anime series. Hosted by Tyler Treese and Co...
Interview With Detective Conan Movie Director Yuzuru Tachikawa
Tyler spoke with Detective Conan movie director Yuzuru Tachikawa about his new film Blue Giant, plus working on the Conan movies Zero the Enforcer and Black Iron Submarine.
Detective Conan Episode 221 - The Client Full of Lies (Part 2)
Colleen and Tyler wrap up this two-part case and learn that the only way a client can be this full of lies is to be related to {Redacted}.
Detective Conan Episode 220 - The Client Full of Lies (Part 1)
Colleen and Tyler are back to discuss a two-part case that serves as an intriguing introduction to a new character, one that seems to constantly be lying.
Colleen and Tyler continue the "second part" of the special, which involves a whole bunch of new detectives appearing at a mansion. What could go wrong? Also, Conan says, "marijuana."
À propos de Case Reopened - A Detective Conan Rewatch Podcast
Case Reopened is a Detective Conan rewatch podcast that goes through every episode, movie, and OVA of the successful anime series. Hosted by Tyler Treese and Colleen.