Welcome to the Upside Strength Podcast, your number one fitness resource in Switzerland. On this show we interview personal trainers and coaches from all over t...
[FR] De Gendarme à Triathlete Semi-Pro avec Yannick Matejicek | #340
SPONSORS:👉 All You Need Nutrition - Passe commande avec le code UPSIDE pour 10% de réduction. https://bit.ly/allyouneednutrition👉 Le Guide Cardio Fonctionnel (gratuit): https://bit.ly/leguidedeszonesINVITÉ:Yannick Matejicek, 33 ans, triathlete et duathlete longue distance considéré comme semi pro même si je cours en pro car je ne vis pas du sport. Je suis dans les forces de l’ordre depuis plus de 11 ansCHAPITRES:00:00 - Introduction01:42 - Présentation de Yannick07:10 - Passé Sportif de Yannick en Cyclisme12:30 - Début dans la Gendarmerie33:00 - Débuts en Triathlon41:30 - Première Victoire Ironman54:50 - Travail avec Karoly Spy1:03:10 - Année 2024 Difficile1:14:30 - Changement des Entraînements avec Cyril Ricci1:27:50 - Premier HYROXLIENS:Site: https://yannickmatejicek.frInstagram : https://www.instagram.com/yannickmatej/Strava : https://www.strava.com/pros/94716156YouTube : https://youtube.com/@yannickmatejicekQUI EST SEAN?Sean est un préparateur physique basé en Suisse. Généraliste dans l'âme et grand amoureux de la physiologie, il est spécialisé dans l'entraînement en endurance et en entraînement respiratoire. Il coach des débutants comme avec des athlètes professionnels depuis bientôt 10 ans et les aides à améliorer leur capacité de travail, leur récupération et leurs performances peu importe leur discipline sportive. Il forme également des coachs, des préparateurs physique et des kinés via son contenu, ses séminaires et ses formations en ligne.CONNECT:► Abonne-toi pour voir plus de vidéos: http://bit.ly/1Xgr5y5► Programmes & Formations: https://academy.upsidestrength.com/► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upside_strengthNOTE:► Ces descriptions peuvent contenir des liens d'affiliation. Si tu décides d'acheter un produit par l'intermédiaire de l'un d'entre eux, il se peut que je reçoive une petite commission sans que cela ne te coûte quoi que ce soit. Je ne cautionne jamais des produits que je n'ai pas personnellement utilisés ou que je n'ai pas trouvés bénéfiques dans ma vie ou dans ma pratique.
[EN] The Best Way to Train your Respiratory System with Luke Way || #339
SPONSORS👉 All You Need Nutrition - Use the code UPSIDE to get 10% off. https://bit.ly/allyouneednutrition👉 Your Training Zone Guide (free): https://bit.ly/trainingzoneguideGUEST:Luke Way:“I am the founder and CEO of The Isocapnic Respiratory Training System. I have been an endurance coach for 20 years.I specialize in elite level triathlon, but also work with elite level mountain bikers, and world class CrossFitters. The methodology I use is based around understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses. I create programs that are positive, effective, and with integrity that train the weaknesses with science-backed methods into strengths. We do this by finding objective truths about the athlete through physiologic assessment.A few years ago, after seeing there is a trend that most athletes are limiting their performance because of the way they breathe, I tried to find a way to effectively isolate and train the respiratory system. I could not find any device that would work for our needs. And so after many late night conversations with Dr Sellars (my mentor) and Alex (a close friend and thriving mind), we invented the Isocapnic Breathe Way Better Training System. This is a three pillared system that consists of the hardware, the software, and the curation of knowledge.”EPISODE LINKS:Previous Episode with Luke: https://youtu.be/MlThdC21AAw?si=SY8FphAygghCnTX2Dr Jerome Dempsey: https://youtu.be/heDnqOd8ozs?si=JY_kk1v2AqFdi5yKCHAPTERS:0:00 - Introduction2:45 - The History of Respiratory Training10:45 - How Respiratory Training Works46:20 - Respiratory Training for Team Sports59:45 - Advanced Respiratory TrainingCONNECT:► Subscribe for more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@upsidestrengthen► Programs & Courses: https://www.upsidestrengthacademy.com/english► Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanseale► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upside_strength_enWHO IS SEAN?Sean is a performance coach based in Switzerland. A generalist at heart with a keen interest in physiology, he specialises in endurance and respiratory training. He has been coaching for over 10 years, helping beginners & professional athletes alike to improve their work capacity, recovery and performance in all sports. Sean also provides education for coaches and consulting services for sports organisations and teams.DISCLAIMER:► These descriptions usually contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I might receive a small commission at no cost to you. I never endorse products that I have not personally used myself or not found to be beneficial in my life/practice.
[EN] Burnout, Nutrition, Health & Permaculture with Lynne Faires || #338
SPONSORS👉 All You Need Nutrition - Use the code UPSIDE to get 10% off. https://bit.ly/allyouneednutrition👉 Your Training Zone Guide (free): https://bit.ly/trainingzoneguideGUEST:Cultivating & Inspiring positive change globally is Lynne's driving force! As a seasoned mentor and coach, she is dedicated to supporting and guiding individuals on their wellness journey, empowering them to take mindful and balanced steps in all aspects of health—self-care, nutrition, sleep, stress management, and movement—while fostering a deeper connection to the environment. Since launching her career in 2013, she has co-founded more than 6 wellness businesses, including the Holistic Nutrition Hub & Upside Strength, plus helped countless others get started.EPISODE LINKS:https://www.instagram.com/lynnefaires/https://jardinfeuillesdevie.com/CHAPTERS:0:00 - Introduction02:04 - Podcast Start03:20 - Lynne’s Childhood05:37 - Lynne’s interests as a child06:55 - Studies & Biology07:40 - Jobs & life after finishing school & before bloom/upside strength09:35 - What Lynne learnt through her different jobs13:20 - The jobs that got Lynne to where she is today14:55 - What motivated Lynne to get into Nutrition21:15 - Why Lynne when to Nutrition School23:15 - What she took away from her time in school26:30 - The individual’s context when prescribing exercise or nutrition28:20 - Lynne’s beef allergies and the microbiome32:50 - Lynne’s medical situation during prenancy36:35 - What happened after nutritionist school43:50 - Burnout50:30 - How Lynne got out of her burnout51:20 - Whats is success for Lynne now52:25 - Beginning of interest in gardening & eco nutrition59:35 - Difference between agriculture and permaculture01:06:50 - The Garden01:12:15 - Eating something that you grew yourself01:16:30 - What Lynne did to beat chronique fatigue01:22:00 - Reconnecting to Nature01:29:30 - The simplest way to be healthy01:33:20 - What’s going on and whats next for Lynne01:36:45 - All You Need NutritionCONNECT:► Subscribe for more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@upsidestrengthen► Programs & Courses: https://www.upsidestrengthacademy.com/english► Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanseale► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upside_strength_enWHO IS SEAN?Sean is a performance coach based in Switzerland. A generalist at heart with a keen interest in physiology, he specialises in endurance and respiratory training. He has been coaching for over 10 years, helping beginners & professional athletes alike to improve their work capacity, recovery and performance in all sports. Sean also provides education for coaches and consulting services for sports organisations and teams.DISCLAIMER:► These descriptions usually contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I might receive a small commission at no cost to you. I never endorse products that I have not personally used myself or not found to be beneficial in my life/practice.
[EN] How to Become a Professional CrossFit Athlete with Andrea Solberg || #337
SPONSORS👉 All You Need Nutrition - Use the code UPSIDE to get 10% off. https://bit.ly/allyouneednutrition👉 Your Training Zone Guide (free): https://bit.ly/trainingzoneguideGUEST:Andrea Solberg, 28 years old from Bergen, Norway. Live in Oslo and Bergen 50/50 of each year to do medical school in the autumn in Bergen (last year), and Oslo spring time to be a full time athlete. Did gymnastics for 11 years while growing up, and startet CF in 2015 to have an effective way to stay fit while doing medical school. Ended up with competing just 2months after starting, and qualified for regionals individually 1 year later (2016). Since then been at the top of the Norwegians for many years, lead by our role model Kristin Holte from Kriger training, and now under their camp. During my career I have competed at multiple regionals/semifinals/santcionals (including medals), CF games individually (2020), silver at the Dubai FC, Rogue invitational, and medals at different international big competitions. I’m also 3 times Norwegian champion in Functional Fitness (2 indy, 1 team), and a world champion in team Functional Fitness.EPISODE LINKS:1: https://www.instagram.com/andreasolberg2: https://krigertraining.comCHAPTERS:0:00 - Introduction2:00 - Andrea introduction3:45 - Combining Medical School & CrossFit12:30 - Training for CrossFit20:50 - Working on Strength31:30 - Working on Ring Muscle Ups40:20 - Working on Strengths48:10 - Mental Health as an Athlete1:00:40 - The 2025 Competition Season1:13:35 - Instagram QuestionsCONNECT:► Subscribe for more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/@upsidestrengthen► Programs & Courses: https://www.upsidestrengthacademy.com/english► Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanseale► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upside_strength_enWHO IS SEAN?Sean is a performance coach based in Switzerland. A generalist at heart with a keen interest in physiology, he specialises in endurance and respiratory training. He has been coaching for over 10 years, helping beginners & professional athletes alike to improve their work capacity, recovery and performance in all sports. Sean also provides education for coaches and consulting services for sports organisations and teams.DISCLAIMER:► These descriptions usually contain affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I might receive a small commission at no cost to you. I never endorse products that I have not personally used myself or not found to be beneficial in my life/practice.
[FR] La Psychologie du Sport & les Facteurs Limitants en CrossFit avec Cyril Grechi | #336
SPONSORS:👉 All You Need Nutrition - Passe commande avec le code UPSIDE pour 10% de réduction. https://bit.ly/allyouneednutrition👉 Le Guide Cardio Fonctionnel (gratuit): https://bit.ly/leguidedeszonesINVITÉ:Cyril: “En tant qu'entraîneur, je crois au pouvoir de l'éducation et d'une communication claire, aidant les athlètes à mieux comprendre leur entraînement, leur mode de vie et leur potentiel. Mon objectif est de créer une approche collaborative et informée, permettant aux personnes avec lesquelles je travaille de s'approprier leur développement, ouvrant la voie à des progrès significatifs et à un succès à long terme.”CHAPITRES:0:00 - Introduction1:42 - Début du podcast avec Cyril14:42 - Cyril Gretchi commence le CrossFit19:32 - Le Coaching en CrossFit23:52 - Connaître tes Athlètes36:02 - Apprendre et Intégrer41:18 - Spécificité en CrossFit47:42 - Les Paternes Limitantes en CrossFit1:04:47 - S’entraîner VS se Tester1:10:42 - La Compétition en CrossFitLIENS:https://www.cyrilgrechicoaching.co.uk/https://www.instagram.com/coachcyrilgrechi/QUI EST SEAN?Sean est un préparateur physique basé en Suisse. Généraliste dans l'âme et grand amoureux de la physiologie, il est spécialisé dans l'entraînement en endurance et en entraînement respiratoire. Il coach des débutants comme avec des athlètes professionnels depuis bientôt 10 ans et les aides à améliorer leur capacité de travail, leur récupération et leurs performances peu importe leur discipline sportive. Il forme également des coachs, des préparateurs physique et des kinés via son contenu, ses séminaires et ses formations en ligne.CONNECT:► Abonne-toi pour voir plus de vidéos: http://bit.ly/1Xgr5y5► Programmes & Formations: https://academy.upsidestrength.com/► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upside_strengthNOTE:► Ces descriptions peuvent contenir des liens d'affiliation. Si tu décides d'acheter un produit par l'intermédiaire de l'un d'entre eux, il se peut que je reçoive une petite commission sans que cela ne te coûte quoi que ce soit. Je ne cautionne jamais des produits que je n'ai pas personnellement utilisés ou que je n'ai pas trouvés bénéfiques dans ma vie ou dans ma pratique.
Welcome to the Upside Strength Podcast, your number one fitness resource in Switzerland. On this show we interview personal trainers and coaches from all over the world to help connect, inform and grow the local fitness community.
Bienvenue sur le Upside Strength Podcast, votre ressource de fitness numéro une en Suisse. Au fil des épisodes, nous interviewons des coaches sportifs et des préparateurs physiques du monde entier pour aider à connecter, informer et développer la communauté locale de fitness.
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